Object tracking architecture

Purpose / Use cases

This document defines the high level architecture that the object tracker follows.


tracking architecture


The fundamental operation of a tracker is as follows (bold represents implementation-specific items):

  1. Update existing tracks to the most up-to-date coordinate frame
  2. Receive observations
  3. Associate observations to existing tracks
    1. Appropriately transform observations, if needed (this is unambiguous given a target frame)
    2. Update the tracks as needed (e.g. temporal update, depends on motion model)
    3. Compute the association weight/probability for each track-observation pair (depends on association model)
    1. Generate merge/split hypothesis (depends on merge/split model)
    2. Cache relevant information (this is implementation specific)
    3. Run the association algorithm (e.g. JVC, hungarian, GNN, PDA, depends on association algorithm)
    4. Get results
  4. Update observed tracks
    1. Perform the appropriate transform of observation given an associated track (unambiguous given target frame, e.g. converting message type to internal representation)
    2. Apply the observation update to the track (depends on state estimator and motion model)
    3. Potentially perform track classification (depends on track classification model)
  5. Resolve many-to-many matches
    1. Resolve merges (merges are potentially unambiguous given a decent state estimate model)
    2. Resolve splits (duplicate tracks, each with different single assignment)
  6. Initialize new tracks
  7. Update unassociated tracks
    1. Prune tracks if need be (depends on pruning rule)
  8. Aggregate and transform the remaining tracks into the appropriate representation (unambiguous given the message type, i.e. transform internal track type to the track message type)