GNSS Conversion Node

Purpose / Use cases

In order to work with GNSS output in localization module there is a need for a node that would transform the GNSS input into a metric pose. This node does exactly that.


The node subscribes to the GNSS messages and publishes autoware_auto_msgs::msg::RelativePositionWithCovarianceStamped converted messages setting the covariance from the user-provided values.

Inner-workings / Algorithms

This node implements a conversion from WGS 84 (latitude, longitude, height) measurement into an ECEF (earth-centered, earth-fixed) metric pose \([x, y, z]^\top\) following the following equations (given [latitude, longitude, height] = \([\phi,\lambda,h]^\top\)):

\begin{aligned} x =& (N(\phi) + h) \cos\phi \cos\lambda\\ y =& (N(\phi) + h) \cos\phi \sin\lambda\\ z =& ((1 - e^2) N(\phi) + h) \sin\phi, \end{aligned}

where \(N(\phi) = \frac{a}{\sqrt{1 - e^2 \sin^2 \phi}}\). Here, \(a = 6378137\), and \(e^2 = 6.69437999014 \times 10^{−3}\).

Assumptions / Known limits

  • For now only a transformation from WGS84 to ECEF is supported.
  • For now only the user-provided covariance is used, the one set in the original message is not propagated

Related issues

  • #768 - GNSS Localization