Lidar integration

This is the design document for the lidar_integration package.

Purpose / Use cases

This package contains testing utilities for 3D perception nodes.

The purpose is to facilitate various forms of testing of the nodes.


This package provides spoofers, listeners, and some utility functionality to tie it all together.

Spoofers include the lidar_integration::Vlp16IntegrationSpoofer, which mimics the (UDP) wire protocol of a Velodyne VLP16-Hires sensor in a very regular, synthetic pattern. In addition, there is the lidar_integration::PointCloudMutationSpoofer, which randomly generates point clouds, for use in fuzz testing.

The lidar_integration::LidarIntegrationListener family of nodes provides test node which check for a certain periodicity and size of data.

Finally, lidar_integration::lidar_integration_test provides a simple way to run several nodes together so that they can be tested in a single-executable, or unit testing environment.