Reference tracking controller design

Purpose / Use cases

This package is intended to provide a common API and some common implementations of simple controllers, for example PID controllers. The purpose of these controllers are to provide simple feedback control of 1-dimensional signals.


A simple interface is provided. Implementations may be stateful or stateless. If a multidimensional input or output is desired, then a different API should be provided, or the provided API should be extended.

The API can be seen in the API docs.

Assumptions / Known limits

This API currently assumes a 1D output, and a 1D input, potentially with a single derivative.

When derivatives are not provided, then they are assumed to be zero (i.e. zero-order hold).

Inputs / Outputs / API

The API can be seen in the API docs.

Inner-workings / Algorithms

Currently, this package only contains an interface definition with no logic.

Error detection and handling

Currently, this package only contains an interface definition with no logic.

Security considerations

References / External links

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts

  • A PID controller will be implemented, #4999

Related issues

  • #230: Initial export