
This is the design document for the tracking_test_framework package.

Purpose / Use cases

We need a data generation and testing framework for testing the object tracking module in AutowareAuto. The framework should enable the user to create test cases with easily definable specifications.

Assumptions / Known limits

  1. For now we are assuming that tracking happens in 2D. So the objects being tracked are assumed to be represented as simple 2D shapes.
  2. The Line shape is represented with fixed end points and is not infinite.


The framework will provide APIs for generating data for the tracked objects to be fed into the unit tests for tracking algorithms. The following can be considered an initial draft to be refined upon :

  1. get_pedestrian(Circle(x,y,radius))
  2. get_cars(Rectangle(x,y,width,height,orientation))
  3. lidar_ray(Line(start_point,end_point))
  4. setup_scene(lidar_ray,pedestrians/cars)
  5. get_tracked_points(scene)
  6. verify_tracker_results()

Inner-workings / Algorithms

  1. The framework provides a 2D shape generator interface called the Shape class which is used to represent the tracked objects in 2D.
  2. This abstract class is extended by Line, Rectangle and Circle each of which are the programmatic representations of LiDAR ray, cars and pedestrians respectively. These subclasses implement their own version of intersect_with_line function which gives back the intersection points of the Line with the Rectangle and Circle thus mimicking behaviour of getting back tracked points on the objects when the rays from the sensor touch the surface of the objects.
  3. To be able to initialize the Line and use it we need : Starting point represented as a 2D vector [xs,ys] and ending point as a 2D vector[xe,ye]. The line will have a direction and length determined by start and end points in the coordinate frame.
  1. To be able to initialize the Rectangle and use it we need : Center point represented as a 2D vector [xc,yc] and size(length * breadth) as a 2D vector[l, b] plus an orientation [angle] w.r.t. x axis in degrees represented as float. The Rectangle's borders and corner points will be determined by these inputs provided and the borders are needed when we are trying to get intersection points with the Line.
  2. To be able to initialize the Circle and use it we need : Center point represented as a 2D vector [xc,yc] and radius [r] represented as a float.

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts

  1. Implement 3D shape generator interface and methods for getting the intersection points.
  2. Methods to verify tracker output
  3. Objects generation for other sensor modalities like Radar etc

Related issues