
Purpose / Use cases

To smooth incoming measurements it is common to use a probabilistic filter. There are different flavors of these. Just to name a few common options, there are (Extended) Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter or Particle filter. Each of these comes with their advantages and disadvantages. In this package we implement a generic filter interface (autoware::prediction::FilterInterface) and a number of concrete implementations for it.

Currently implemented filters are:


The cornerstone of the design is the autoware::prediction::FilterInterface, which defines a number of functions that the concrete implementations of this filter can implement. The interface is templated, and thus follows the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) pattern, to allow for using concrete types and to avoid requiring pointers in order to make filter implementations polymorphic.

In its essence, every filter that implements the proposed interface will have a number of functions:

auto predict(const std::chrono::nanoseconds & dt);
template<typename MeasurementT>
auto correct(const MeasurementT & measurement);
template<typename StateT>
void reset(const StateT & state, const typename StateT::Matrix & covariance);
auto & state();
const auto & state() const;
auto & covariance();
const auto & covariance() const;

Because the interface follows the CRTP paradigm, the classes that implement this interface do not implement functions like correct and predict directly, but rather internal functions (here, with crtp_ prefix) that get called by the interface.

It is expected here that MeasurementT class implements the autoware::prediction::MeasurementInterface class, while StateT class is a specialization of the autoware::prediction::GenericState class.

(Extended) Kalman filter design

The class autoware::prediction::KalmanFilter declared in kalman_filter.hpp implements the autoware::prediction::FilterInterface.

In order to create an instance of the Kalman filter class the user must provide instances of autoware::prediction::MotionModelInterface and autoware::prediction::NoiseInterface classes. These are then used in the implementation of the crtp_predict and crtp_correct functions.

until issue #944 is closed the angles are not wrapped in the state.

Extended Kalman filter algorithm

Formally, the Kalman filter implementation in this package uses the following algorithm. Let \(x\) represent the current state of some object. In addition to this, a matrix \(S\) is the covariance matrix measuring the uncertainty of this state. Furthermore, let \(f\) be a non-linear transition function with its Jacobian being \(F\) and uncertainty measured by a matrix \(Q\). Similar logic holds for a measurement function \(h\) that observes state \(x\) in a potentially non-linear fashion. In other words, this function, given an unknown state \(\hat{x}\) produces a measurement from this state. This function likewise has a Jacobian, denoted here with \(H\).

Kalman filter iteratively repeats the following steps:

  • predict the current state and its covariance forward in time
  • given a noisy observation of the environment it estimates by how much its prediction must be corrected
  • a corrected state and covariance are computed

More formally, with a vector \(m\) denoting a real-world observation, and \(R\) denoting its covariance:

\begin{aligned} x_\mathrm{predicted} &= f(x) \\ S_\mathrm{predicted} &= F S F^\top + Q \\ \\ i &= m - h(x_\mathrm{predicted}) \\ S_i &= H S_\mathrm{predicted} H^\top + R \\ K &= S_\mathrm{predicted} H^\top S_i^{-1} \\ \\ x_\mathrm{corrected} &= x_\mathrm{predicted} + K i \\ S_\mathrm{corrected} &= (I - K H) S_\mathrm{predicted}, \\ \end{aligned}

here, \(I\) is the identity matrix, \(i\) is the "innovation" (intuitively: how far is the predicted measurement from an observed one), \(S_i\) is the innovation covariance. The core components that helps "decide" how to correct the state and intuitively "weights" the certainty in the current state predictions versus the measurement certainty is the "Kalman gain", denoted here as \(K\).

Error detection and handling

The interface is static and thus most of the errors can be caught at compile time. Sensible static_asserts are scattered throughout the code to catch a programming error early and to provide a meaningful compilation error.

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts

The autoware::prediction::FilterInterface is generic enough to implement different kinds of filters. The ones that come to mind are:

  • Unscented Kalman Filter
  • Square Root covariance filter

This is planned to be done in the future if needed.

Related issues:

  • #865: Redesign kalman filter class hierarchy