Motion Model

Purpose / Use cases

Autoware.Auto require a means to abstract the process model from the measurement/uncertainty models for state estimation. This allows a generic state estimation (e.g. kalman filter) implementation to be used with many different process models.

Constant velocity

A constant velocity motion model was used to provide a perfect linear model for the purpose of testing the state estimation schemes.

Constant acceleration

This motion model is a perfect linear model that also can provide curved paths. In fact, the CATR model (below) can be recovered from the constant acceleration parameters. The linearity, expressive power, and cheaper computation make the constant acceleration model attractive compared to the CATR model.

Constant Acceleration and Turn Rate (CATR)

The CATR model was chosen to provide a minimally descriptive kinematic model for how cars move. This represents a zero-order hold on vehicle controls. Constant acceleration roughly corresponds to a fixed throttle. Constant turn rate roughly corresponds to fixed wheel angle.

This enables minimal kinematic reasoning for somewhat more complex maneuvers, such as curves, and keep the models valid for a slightly longer time horizon.

In addition, this model was shown to have lower error compared to other models. For more details, see Schubert et. al. in the reference section.

Parameter estimator

The parameter estimator model is a simple model that provides capabilities to do parameter estimation for a set of potential correlated parameters.

In the context of our motion models, it is intended to provide an extension to the CATR model by having decoupled parameter estimates of the bounding box size.


The primary purpose of the motion model class is to:

  • Wrap a state vector
  • Provide a means to predict/update the state vector according to the model
  • Provide computation of the process jacobian

The following considerations were included for the API:

  • The motion model should have ownership over it's state
    • This is why there only const indexing and set_internal_state(x)
  • A non-mutating prediction function exists to provide an interface by which you can do prediction rollouts
  • compute_jacobian_and_predict() was added because there may be some common computation between jacobian computation and prediction for a given model.

Assumptions / Known limits

The interface is designed as is. It is unclear how it will change and if it can be extended to motion models for planning.

Particular models have various assumptions baked in.

Constant velocity

The constant velocity instantiation of the model is purely linear and assumes constant velocity.

Constant Acceleration and Turn Rate (CATR)

The CATR instantiation of the model assumes constant turn rate and constant acceleration.

Turn rate is assumed to be independent of all other parameters, such as velocity or acceleration.

This is a nonlinear model.

Parameter estimator

This model assumes no dynamics.

Inputs / Outputs / API

The following inputs are provided:

  • State (i.e. set_internal_state())
  • Time increment (i.e. predict(), compute_jacobian())

The following outputs are provided:

  • State (get_state(), operator[])
  • Jacobian (compute_jacobian(F))

Inner-workings / Algorithms

The motion model class is primarily an interface.

Constant velocity

The constant velocity motion model has the following state:

x // x position
y // y position
u // x velocity
v // y velocity

With the following update equation:

x = x + u * dt
y = y + v * dt
u = u
v = v

Resulting in the following jacobian:

1 0 dt 0
0 1 0 dt
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

Constant acceleration

The constant acceleration model has the following state:

x // position terms
vx // velocity terms
ax // acceleration terms

And the following update equation:

x = x + vx * dt + 0.5 * dt * dt * ax
y = y + vy * dt + 0.5 * dt * dt * ay
vx = vx + dt * ax
vy = vy + dt * ay

Resulting in the following jacobian:

1 0 dt 0 0.5*dt*dt 0
0 1 0 dt 0 0.5*dt*dt
0 0 1 0 dt 0
0 0 0 1 0 dt
Similarly, the velocity and acceleration magnitude, heading and turn rate
can be expressed by the following equations:
v = sqrtf((vx * vx) + (vy * vy));
a = sqrtf((ax * ax) + (ay * ay));
th = atan2f(vy, vx);
th_dot = (vx * ay - vy * ax) / v;

The derivations are left as an exercise for the reader.

Constant acceleration and turn rate

Run the script contained in motion_models/scripts/ for a computation of the derivatives and formula for position update

Parameter estimator

The parameter estimator is templated for N parameters. The process model is then the identity matrix:

1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1

For N=3 parameters.

Security considerations

TBD by a security specialist.

References / External links

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts


DifferentialState y
Definition: kinematic_bicycle.snippet.hpp:28
DifferentialState u
Definition: kinematic_bicycle.snippet.hpp:29
DifferentialState x
Definition: kinematic_bicycle.snippet.hpp:28
Control ax
Definition: kinematic_bicycle.snippet.hpp:30
DifferentialState v
Definition: linear_tire.snippet.hpp:28